bladder tank standard
Product Description
The Firex Bladder Tank is one component in a balance pressure foam proportioning system. It requires no external power, other than the water pressure to ensure correct operation. The vertical and Horizontal Bladder tanks are designed and constructed in accordance with the latest revisions to ASME code, Section VII for unfired pressure vessels with a working pressure of 175 psi and tested to one and one half times this pressure. FIREX Bladder Tanks are a steel pressure vessel, which stores foam concentrate contained within an elastomeric bladder. The concentrate is discharged from the tank by incoming water applying pressure to the bladder. This applied pressure is transferred to the foam concentrate, supplying pressurized foam concentrate to the proportional.
• The diameter of the vertical tank skirt is equal to the shell diameter, to give greater stability.
• Tanks are supplied with brass trim valves with Teflon seats and permanently mounted to the tank .
• All valves are labeled showing normal working position.
• Lifting lugs are permanently welded to the tank with eyes of approximately 1½” in diameter.
• Both vertical and horizontal tanks contain a perforated PVC center tube that permits greater agent discharge.
• All tanks are approximately 10% oversized to allow for any thermal expansion of the foam concentrate.
• All tanks supplied with a label identifying type of foam concentrate the system is designed for, the percentage ratio and tank size.
• Tank are painted red enamel